My Funny Valentine

Best Selling Backing Track of this Jazz Ballad classic standard. Our version is based on the Chet Baker rendition. Laid back and cool, dark and moody.

Our backing tracks for My Funny Valentine are in the following keys...

  • Cm - The Standard Key
  • Gm - An Alternate Key Suited to Female Vocalists

Tempo: 68 bpm

arrangement for instruments:
short drum fill - straight in
Twice through

arrangement for solo vocals:
8 bar intro (trumpet (Cm version), guitar (Gm version)
Once thru with vocals
2nd time thru Trumpet plays melody for first 32 bars
Vocal picks up at ‘Is your figure less than Greek?’
Sing to end

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7 products
My Funny Valentine - for Solo Male Vocal
My Funny Valentine - for Guitar
My Funny Valentine - Multi Track Package
From £15.00 £20.00 25% Off
My Funny Valentine - for Bass
From £0.00